06 June 2010


Serie di vignette estrapolate dall'albo in edicola, cercando di non spoilerare...

Various panels from my last album, trying to avoid spoilers...

Julia #141, "Vite in bilico"
Story: Berardi/Calza


Johanna Urban said...

Wonderful illustrations!

Johanna, Sweden
ART, http://johannaurban.blogspot.com/

Alan said...

Some tremedous panels here, Roberto. Love that two-panel fight scene: you really feel the fellow crash into the book case. Real sesne of movement, too, in the way you drew the woman storming out of the room in panel 3. And the 'worm's eye' view in the last panel - great.

Roberto Zaghi said...

Johanna - thanks a lot! I'm really glad you like them.

Alan - wow thank you so much, you made my day!
Btw Alan, you seem to catch all the little nuances I put into the panels, usually they don't come easy so I'm pretty happy that someone notice them:)

dylan said...

Brilliant work Roberto. I love how you come up with so many unusual angles.

Ned said...

sono tutte belle ma personalmente ho trovato la terza, quella con il dettaglioop della mano di Julia con il telefono ed Emily che esce dalla porta, bellissima... anche la sesta, mi piace come hai messo i neri e poi quella in cui Julia beve è bellissima, anche perche non è facile disegnare ciò che apparentemente lo è...

Bravo Roberto!!!


Andrea Panico said...

...Ciao Roberto!...
...È la prima volta che visito il tuo blog: complimenti per le Vignette!...

...Se ti va, vieni a curiosare nel mio blog!...^_^...

Roberto Zaghi said...

Dylan - thanks mate. Playing with the "camera" is fun indeed.

Ned - un grazie sentito anche da parte di Julia ed Emily :)

Andrea - benvenuto, ora vado a curiosare dalle tue parti...

IamOSI said...

nicely done!

Dominic Bugatto said...

Wonderful teaser !

Roberto Zaghi said...

OneSick Individual -
Dominic -

Thanks a lot guys!

Unknown said...

Each of these panels to be framed and hung in the modern art museum! at least in my studio...
Great compositions Roberto! Great work and love to see it this way...as comic artist we know what panels are in order to form a page!

benton jew said...

Great stuff! I especially like the teaked perspective in the last piece!
Sooooo cool!

Roberto Zaghi said...


thanks a lot, it's always a pleasure to hear from you. Hope you'll like the books!


that panel was fun! I always search for good places to put the camera! Thanks mate.

Roland MacDonald said...

Great panels. Such a shame we don't get more BD published in UK

Roberto Zaghi said...

Roland- thanks for stopping by!

J.Etienne - yep! :-)

Craig - much appreciated my friend!